Why Explorer South?

Explorer South Vans for a Better Everyday Life

Explorer South vans is part of the Explorer Van Company network representing the southern United States including Florida, Alabama. Georgia, Mississippi & Louisiana. Our vans are top quality, dependable and come with a support network that’s unparalleled in this industry. Our employees come to you to determine how we can meet your needs.

Explorer South, as with Explorer Van Company, has a simple and direct approach to business that can be summed up as: “We care about our customers.”

Explorer Conversion Vans for Business and Pleasure

Planning to use your van for your business? You may be able to immediately write off up to 100% of the purchase price of your new Explorer South van on your business taxes. Please consult with your tax advisor to learn more.

You won't believe all the options you have. Get started today. Send us an email to talk to our helpful representative.

Explorer Van South